understanding the new improvement of Bitcoin -blocksxor: how works
As administrator of a bitcoin node or server, understanding the new-blocksxor improvement is crucial to ensure the security and integrity of the network. In this article, we will deepen how "blocksxor" works, its benefits and what it means to administrators.
What is blocksxor?
Blocksxor is a cryptographic technique used in the format of the Bitcoin block to obtain the contents of the LeveldB (LeveldB) files. Leveldb is a popular data deposit used by Bitcoin nodes to store data level data, such as trading and lock headquarters. When LeveldB stores its data in memory, it leaves a route that can be easily analyzed by an attacker.
Blocksxor improves this security feature, grinding the contents of Leveldb Blocks.dat using a cryptographic hash function. This obuscing technique makes it extremely difficult for attackers to exploit or analyze the stored data.
How does blocksxor work?
Here is an explanation step by step the way in which "blocksxor" works:
Data encryption : Bitcoin node stores Leveldb Blocks.dat on disk.
function: When the node wants to access the contents of a block, it calculates a cryptographic hash value for the entire block file using an advanced hash function (for example, SHA-256).
Operation Xor : The calculated hash value is then x -nota with the content of the block.dat Leveldb.
Cripping of Hash : The resulting hash value is encrypted using another advanced hash function (for example, argon2i), which makes it even more difficult to analyze.
Blocksxor benefits
The improvement of "blocksxor" offers several benefits:
* Improved security : It is much harder for attackers to exploit or analyze the leverdb.dat files, reducing the risk of data violations and handling.
* Increased robustness
: The obuscing technique ensures that, even if an attacker manages to access the content of a block file, he will still need to make additional calculations to engineering the data.
* Better scarability : By reducing the amount of sensitive disk information, blocksxor helps to improve Bitcoin scalability and reduce loading on knots.
The new-blocksxor improvement is a significant update for Bitcoin nodes and servers. Its ability to obtain Leveldb.dat blocks makes it much harder for attackers to exploit or analyze these sensitive data. As an administrator, understanding the way blocksxor can help you manage the server's node or security posture and ensure -you have the integrity of the Bitcoin network.
additional resources
For more information on 'Blocksxor, I recommend you consult the official Bitcoin documentation and the Bitcoin Core Customer Software Documentation:
- [Bitcoin basic documentation] (
- [Software documentation Bitcoin Core Customer] (