Solana: Module ‘”@solana/spl-token”‘ has no exported member ‘createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction’
Solana: Module ‘”@solana/spl-token”‘ has no exported member ‘createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction’

Error: Module "Splane/Sp-Tken" without a presented member "CreatessociatedCCCount"


What works with Solana is essential to understand the structure and to guarantee all the needs of all needs to export as export. At Tint Art, we will study why Sp-Tock-Tock-Tock-Tenn not exported, as indicated, called Caller Ssociated.

The problem

You will use the following code in your import:


Import {





Notice both S stems and both symptoms of allpprograph and. This is the Corre Correect of First Grry, but in Solana the development of engagement, the two rows will be exported to the tremor @slana/sp-toch modle.

* Light

Everything fixed this is a problem, you have to specify the prophet in the… step movement section. Moreover, you need to allow the corporations of the declaration of Assocoidthookenaccount.

Take me to change:


// @spla/spla-tock mowly (as exported)

Export Declaring CONST CREATHIATE_TOCTATEN_TOCTATEN_TITutintitionsions: [

/… Other exports…/

created by creating an account in a session,



In this modified codecreate_sociated_toctiasted_toutitutitutitintinctions is decilased with export with the correction of the respective performance and type.

Aditation Tips

  • Have you suppress you to work @SLANA/SP-TOKEN module by checking the SRC/SP directory of your project.

  • Check the necessary features as an export frame. If you are no longer new to the addictions or change the@sola/sp-toch module to match the specifications to match your specification.

By performing the steps, you will be able to resolve the error and the unit to use the Correspoonssiatacreate instruction as functional in your file.

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