How to Configure Network Proxy Settings in Windows 10
How to Configure Network Proxy Settings in Windows 10

Proxies provide a range of advantages to network connections, such as more security and a reduction in bandwidth. You can set them up in your residence if you're experiencing slow connections. It is possible to configure proxy settings in Windows 10 through the Settings app or Control Panel. If you use a proxy for work or school, make sure the Use automatic detection of settings is turned on and the Use setup script switch is turned on in the Automatic Proxy Setup section.

To alter your settings manually to alter your settings manually, you can open the Internet Options window in the Control Panel or by searching for "Internet options" in the Search bar. Click the Advanced tab and open the LAN settings within it. Input the proxy provider's information in the Address and Port fields. Then, select the box that says Use a proxy server on your LAN. Close the Internet Options window.

Sometimes, malware could mess with your proxy settings for your network to block you from getting online. If the error message "Windows couldn't automatically detect this network's proxy settings" persists, run a scan using an anti-malware software and determine if this helps.

If the error is still there If the error persists, you can try resetting your proxy settings via the Registry. However, be careful as modifying the Registry can cause irreversible damage to your system. Before attempting this method, we suggest making backups. To do this, hold down the Win + R keys simultaneously. Type cmd and press Enter. This will launch the classic Command Prompt.

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